Hawk 2 DLG

(3 customer reviews)


Frequently Bought Together

+Hawk DLG Sun Covers
Price For All:   $627.00


Hawk 2 is a modern 1-meter DLG that is provided by Nikolay Gorban from High Quality with an exceptional flying performance for a very reasonable price.

The model is fully molded using high-quality materials.

In December 2022 the model got a major update to the fuselage.

The Summary Of The Changes To The Hawk 2

– A lot of customers complained about the pod size of the original Hawk so now it got enlarged to give you more room for equipment.
– Hatch cover was giving a hard time for a lot of pilots being not super convenient. So Hawk 2 has got a slip on nose cone.
– The wing and tails remained untouched, so there will be not a lot of changes to how the model flies.

The front portion of the fuse is made 2.4GHz friendly to allow for internal antenna installs.

The nose is designed to fit in all 4 servos in the pod and will easily fit a set of KST X06, Hitec HS-40, Dymond D47, CHAServo LV06, or similar servos.

The tail construction is very similar to the full-size DLGs with a removable horizontal stabilizer mounted underneath the tail boom. All the parts are molded which ensures shiny surfaces, exceptional stiffness, and low weight.

The wing construction features a solid CNC-cut XPS foam core with a glass or carbon fiber layup. It comes almost ready to fly, with the pre-hinged ailerons and shiny graphics.

The model comes with a complete accessories pack including the launch peg, control horns, torque springs for tails, pull wires, and a servo tray.

For more building tips, please, refer to the RC Groups Thread about Hawk DLG

Technical Data

Wingspan – 1000mm
Wing area – 10.9 dm2
Length – 717mm
Wing airfoil – AG46
Controls – Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder

Recommended Gear

ServosDymond D47, KSTX06, Hitec HS40
BatteryTattu 3.7V 380mAh 1S LiPo or similar
ReceiverFrSky Archer GR6, FrSky Archer R4, Lemon Rx 6Ch, or similar

Hawk DLG Weight Data (g)
Layup Glass Light Carbon Regular Carbon
Fuselage 15.5 – 16.5 14 – 15.5
Wing 54 – 58 45 – 48 53 – 56
Horisontal Stabilizer 3.2 – 3.4 2.8 – 3.1
Vertical Fin 3.3 – 3.6 2.9 – 3.2
Accessories and glue 8.5
Empty weight from 86 73 82
Flying weight from 123 106 117

Recommended Settings

Hawk DLG Control Throws and Camber Settings
CG 54-56 mm from wing leading edge
Rudder +/- 10mm
Elevator “Touch-the-boom” up & max down
Ailerons 7mm up & 7mm down (optional negative differential)
Brakes 16-18mm down
Launch 0.5mm up
Cruise 0mm (aligned with the root)
Min Thermal 3mm down
Max Thermal 6mm down

For a better understanding of the Flight Modes and Camber settings for Hawk DLG, check the video below.

3 reviews for Hawk 2 DLG

  1. Klim (verified owner)

    Amazing plane! Incredible attention to details.

  2. Ryan (verified owner)

    Fantastic DLG. great deal. would definitely buy again

    • Evgen

      Thanks, Ryan!

      Happy flying!

      And will be happy to serve you again!

      Founder at FlightPoint

  3. Kelven Ma

    I got this Hawk with light carbon earlier, it is really really great and easy to fly, perfectly build and very well balance, very easy to get high in small wind and light thermal. Recommended for small size plane lover. Thank you!

    • Evgen

      Hi Kelven,

      Thanks for sharing your experience with Hawk!

      Enjoy your DLG!

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