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Sabre F5K Build Instruction

Sabre F5K Glider Build Instructions

Sabre is an F5K glider that takes a new approach to the airframe design.

The science involved in creating the main wing is unique, and so is the flight performance.

Its low-drag design uses a thin wing profile, special curved wing tips, and a thin and narrow fuselage.

Sabre F5K is available in two main build options:

  1. Receiver-Ready, where you will need to add only your receiver and battery, or
  2. As a kit, and finish the servos, motor installation, and control linkages on your own.

In case you prefer the second option, this article is just for you 😉

Below, you’ll find a step-by-step instruction on the Sabre F5K build with tricks & tips to help you finish it hustle-free.

For even more information on the build options and setup, check the dedicated Thread on RCGroups.

Before Starting Sabre F5K Build

Since Sabre is designed to use some specific components, make sure to prepare the following to use during the build:

or, separate parts to build a powertrain for your glider:

  • T-Motor F1507 or F1806 motor with M5 threaded shaft
  • Matching ESC 20A+
  • M5/25mm Spinner with matching folding prop blades

You will also need some of your favorite tools and supplies to make the build easier, we recommend at least the following:

  • Medium and thin CA
  • Epoxy resin
  • Masking tape
  • Diamond files
  • Tweezers
  • Pliers
  • Flathead and Phillips-head screwdrivers
  • Sandpaper
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • 2.5mm shrink-tube
  • Soldering iron, solder, and flux
  • Kapton tape, or the other sticky tape that you prefer.

Part 1. O-Ring For A Canopy

Getting a kit, your canopy will not have any “security” system to hold it in place while flying.

We find an O-ring to be both the easiest and the most reliable tool for this purpose, especially since it is so easy to make.

Even if your kit will have a latching system, the O-Ring will act as a fail-proof system.

For a detailed instruction please, follow the steps described in the video below:

Part 2. Motor Mount & Tail Servos

Next, let’s move on to the fuselage and install your motor and tail servos.

Part 3. The Tail Surfaces

Part 4. Tail Control Linkages

Now you can connect the tail servos and your tail control surfaces.

You will need a servo tester or just your radio and Rx to center and adjust the neutral position of your servos in the process.

Thin pliers with a side cutter will come in handy to.

Part 5. Aileron Servos And Linkages

Sabre’s wing is designed to use 3D-printed frames for installing KST X06H servos.

Sabre Wing servo frames for KST X06H

The process of using frames is described in the build instructions for Joy F5J.

However, you can get away with using X06 or X06N servos as well w/o using a printed frame, but gluing the servos directly into the wing.

The only difference between these options is the potential maintenance and replacement of the servos.

But in case you are not planning to crash too often, you should be good 😉

Your choice of either or doesn’t change the overall process, so please, use the following steps as a guide for building your wings.

Expert’s Advice

In case your pushrod connection has a slop, it will create issues while flying.

To eliminate the slop, put a drop of CA on the moving connections of the pushrod to the control horn, and the servo arm. Literally, glue the pushrod into the control horn 😉

Let it sit, and move the control surface slightly.

The CA fillet will slide on the wire, filling in the harmful gaps, and making your pushrod connection more precise.

Get Ready For Maiden

Sabre F5K at the field

That’s it!

Now, it’s time to install your Rx, and battery, check your CG-point, and set up your radio.

Please, follow our basic settings recommendations mentioned below:

Sabre F5K Control Throws and Camber Settings
CG 64-62mm from wing leading edge
Rudder +/- 15mm
Elevator “Touch-the-boom” down & “Touch-the-rudder” up
Ailerons 10mm up & 12mm down (optional negative differential)
Brakes 16-25mm down
Launch 1-1.5mm up
Cruise 0mm (aligned with the root) to 2mm down
Min Thermal 4mm down
Max Thermal 10mm down

With nothing else to say…

How would you rate this build?

Please, let us know in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Sabre F5K Build Instruction

  1. amazing Instructions! Thank you very much!

    1. Doing our best 😉

      Hope it helps

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