Brah – 1.5m RC Plank With Flaps


Frequently Bought Together

Brah - RC Plank With Flaps+F5K Spinner & 6x4 Prop+Die-Cut Vynil Stickers for Brah+F5K Powerset W/ T-Motor 1507 & VM Spinner+Green Multiplex 6-Pin Connector
Price For All:   $402.00


Brah is a 1.5-meter full-house slope wing, based on the 1-meter Shaka model.

This model features the Flaps + Aileron controls that can be programmed to your liking.

There is an option to install a motor in front in order to get some bakup power or initial launch on the flat field.

This is a build-it-yourself kit, so for a detailed assembly instruction, please check this guide

The nose part is designed to fit 25mm spinner or can be filled instead for a pure glider version.

In addition, the fuselage has ballast enclaves for 10g car weights, that can be stacked in two piles of five totaling at 100g of extra weight for better wing penetration on windy days.

For more tricks and tips shared by other builders please, check a dedicated Brah Thread on RCGroups.

The Brah RC Plank Technical Data

AUW ~500g
Wingspan – 1435mm
Wing Area – TBA
Controls – Elevons (Optional Throttle & Flaps)
Recommended MotorT-Motor F1507
Recommended ESC – 20A
compartible with 1507 F5K Powerset
Servos – MG 10-15g, JX PDI-933MG or similar
Battery – 2S-3S 550mAh-700mAh LiPo

The Kit Contains:
– Laser Cut Balsa and Light Plywood sheets
– Carbon Fiber Tubes and Rods required for assembly
– 1:1 Color Printed assembly plan

Recommended Brah Settings

Brah Flying Wing Control Throws & CG Settings
CG 27mm from wing leading edge (at the root rib)
Pitch on Flaps +/- 6mm
Pitch in Elevons +/- 12mm
Roll on Flaps +/- 10mm
Roll on Elevons +/- 16mm
Crow Brakes Flaps 10mm down, Elevons 10mm up

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